Professor Mirya Holman (Political Science, Tulane University)
Books by Prof. Mirya Holman
Good Reasons to Run: Women and Political Candidacy, co-edited by Shauna L. Shames, Rachel I. Bernhard, Mirya R. Holman, and Dawn Langan Teele, Temple University Press, 2020.
Women in Politics in the American City, Temple University Press, 2014.
Selected Articles by Prof. Mirya Holman
"This One’s for the Boys: How Gendered Political Socialization Limits Girls’ Political Ambition and Interest," by Angela L. Bos, Jill S. Greenlee, Mirya R. Holman, Zoe M. Oxley, and J. Celeste Lay, American Political Science Review, 2021, 1-18.
"Children's Views of the American Presidency," by Zoe M. Oxley, Mirya R. Holman, Jill S. Greenlee, Angela Bos, and J. Celeste Lay, Public Opinion Quarterly, 84(1): 2020, 141-157.
"Playing the Woman Card: Ambivalent Sexism in the 2016 U.S. Presidential Race," by Erin C. Cassese and Mirya R. Holman, Political Psychology, 2019, 55-74.
"Party and Gender Stereotypes in Campaign Attacks," by Erin C. Cassese and Mirya R. Holman, Political Behavior, 40(2018), 785-807.
Other scholars mentioned by Prof. Holman
Sarah Childs, Professor of Politics and Gender, Royal Holloway University of
Amanda Diekman, Professor of Psychological and Brain Sciences, Indiana University Bloomington
References from the "Office Hours" segment on sheriffs and sexism
Emily Farris, Associate Professor of Political Science, Texas Christian University
Publications by Emily Farris and Mirya Holman on county sheriffs
“All Politics is Local: The American Sheriff and Immigration Attitudes, Policies, and Enforcement at the Local Level,” 2017. Political Research Quarterly, 70(1): 142–154.
“Public Officials and a 'Private' Matter: Domestic Violence Attitudes and Policies in The County Sheriff Office,” 2015. Social Science Quarterly, 96(4): 1117-1135.
"Playing the Woman Card: Ambivalent Sexism in the 2016 U.S. Presidential Race," by Erin C. Cassese and Mirya R. Holman, Political Psychology, 2019, 55-74.